1. What is an open house?
An open house is a chance to see a house without the aid of a Realtor. It can be a great opportunity to get your feet wet when you’re first starting your search, or, for the more serious buyer, a way of checking out your competition and getting some insight from other buyers.
2. Who can go to open houses?
Anyone! If there’s any possibility you might be interested in a particular house, stop by the open house and take a peek. You don’t have to have an agent, and you don’t have to be ready to make an offer.
3. Look, Listen, Ask
Once you actually get to the open house, be prepared! Don’t leave without first gaining some valuable knowledge.
Look - Check sizes of closets and drawers. Measure. Make sure there’s enough room (without invading the homeowner’s personal space). Check for breaks, squeaks, chips, and other damages or areas that might need repairs or attention. Check the sign-in sheet to see how many others have attended already.
Listen - How do other guests react? What do they say about the neighborhood? Learn from the crowd.
Ask Questions - Ask about the seller’s motivation to sell. Ask about the neighborhood and the schools in the area. Be clear about your intentions if asked, and provide the name of your real estate agent if you are serious.
4. Take a listing sheet
These sheets contain details such as photos, specs, and asking price — a literal wealth of information, and a great place to take your own notes about more specific details of the house.
5. Have fun!
This isn’t an arduous task...this is you finding your dream home! Explore the nooks and crannies, envision your favorite couch in the living room or that mahogany dining table you’re going to buy for this kitchen, and learn from every experience.
Find Your Dream Home in Erie
If you're shopping for your dream home in the Erie area, we want to be your real estate experts! Contact us today at 814.866.8840 to schedule a showing.